Friday, September 18, 2009

Vasectomy (male sterilization)

Currently, more than 50 million men have done vasectomy (sterilization). This is about 5% of married men of reproductive age. In contrast, female sterilization as a method of birth control purchased 15% of households.

Vasectomy - operation that makes a man sterile (unable to conceive a child). This is the most common method of lifetime male contraception. According to statistics, in the United States to such surgery was subjected to every six men over 35 years. In some countries, only female sterilization and oral contraceptives surpass the popularity of vasectomy. Male sterilization - a simple, no influence on sexual satisfaction, relatively safe and almost 100% effective method of protection from unwanted pregnancy. However, preventing pregnancy, vasectomy does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

The essence of the procedure

The essence of vasectomy is to prevent the penetration of sperm into the seminal fluid released during sexual intercourse.

Sperm containing male reproductive cells produced in the testes. Moving on the vas deferens, it gets in other testicular cancer, where it mixes with seminal fluid. As a result of vasectomy vas deferens cut or blocked. Thus getting sperm in seminal fluid is prevented: it is simply "recycled" by the body. Naturally, no sperm conception is impossible.

Existing technology

Usually surgery takes 30-45 minutes. In a traditional approach with one hand, introduce scrotal pain. Then the doctor makes it 2 small incisions and cuts the vas deferens or removes a small portion of them. The ends of the duct tie, and the incisions in the scrotum stitched. The same is done with the other side.

Sometimes surgery done without incisions on the scrotum. Special tool for the doctor makes a small hole, slightly stretches the skin, cuts and ties the ends of the vas deferens. In this case, less blood loss, does not require stitches. This new method, it is less painful and causes fewer complications than traditional surgery.

Will it hurt?

The operation most commonly used local anesthetic, which makes the procedure virtually painless. There have been some discomfort from the injection of the anesthetic, and when the doctor pulls the duct through the incision. After surgery, you will feel bad for several days. At least 1 day appointed by bed rest. Operation without a scalpel is not so painful. Special truss that supports the scrotum, cold compresses and pain relievers that do not contain aspirin, ease your condition. Follow your doctor's instructions about the limitations of physical activity.


Operations of both types can cause complications. Serious side effects are rare. Typically, they are associated with infection (as you can add it through the incision and through the puncture). Tell your doctor about possible signs of infection: fever, bleeding, pus from the allocation of the section, severe pain and inflammation.

Other possible problems:

* Bruising (soon after the surgery proceeds). In rare cases a hematoma. In this case, requires medical supervision.
* In 18% of cases after the operation of the vas deferens continues to leak a small amount of semen. As a result, under the skin near the site of incision may form a tumor (granuloma). Granuloma usually resolves itself, but sometimes requires surgery.
* More rarely, there is an abscess. It is eliminated by suction of pus through an incision in the scrotum. Also required treatment with antibiotics.
* Very rarely ends of the vas deferens again grow together (recanalization). Most often this occurs within 4 months after surgery. Recanalization makes it possible pregnancy.

Does the operation fail to pass?

Yes, but the probability of the unhappy outcome - 0,2%.

When you can often have sex after surgery?

It depends on you and the doctor's decision. At first, the need to continue to protect themselves, as well as to ensure that sperm no longer allocated to require 8-10 weeks and 15-20 ejaculations. Learn about the onset of complete sterility may be through the analysis of seminal fluid. The sample fluid can be obtained by masturbation or use a special condom during normal sexual intercourse. Laboratory studies obtained specimen can say whether there erupts in orgasm fluid sperm.

Until then, until the analysis does not show the absence of sperm, will have to use other means of protection.

Reduces whether vasectomy sexual pleasure and potency?

Erection, orgasm and ejaculation, most likely, will be the same, and as before. Most men say they enjoy even increased, because after surgery they no longer have to worry about a possible pregnancy. Many people do not notice any changes. Sometimes there is a slight decrease in sexual desire. Extremely rarely, men lose the ability to erect. This is, rather, to the emotional state before the operation.

Vasectomy makes a man sterile, but not impotent. It does not affect the level of male hormones in the blood. Hormones are responsible for the growth of beard, deep voice, and sexual desire, still to be worked out. Hormones continue to circulate in the blood, so all the male sexual characteristics remain. And even the amount of fluid released during ejaculation, will remain almost the same: the sperm is only 2-5% of the volume of seminal fluid.

Whether reversible vasectomy?

Yes. Modern development of microsurgery has increased the efficiency of operations to restore the vas deferens. However, guarantees the success of such an operation, no one gives. It is very difficult, expensive ($ 10 000 - 15 000) and takes about 2 hours. Operation Restore semyavyvodyaschego channel want to make a 2-6% previously sterilized males. The most common causes - remarriage, death of a child or a desire to have children due to increased prosperity.

Performing the inverse operation

There are 2 types of operations: vasovasostomy and epididmovazostomiya. In vasovasostomy eliminated what had been done with the vasectomy, that is, the ends of the vas deferens stapled together.

Epididmovazostomiya - much more complicated operation, requiring the microsurgeon vast experience and skill. It is made in the case, if the sperm does not enter the vas deferens due to inflammation of the epididymis - the channel located behind the testis. During the operation vas deferens attached directly to the epididymis.

The effectiveness of inverse operations

According to studies, 90% of sperm starts to stand out with ejaculation. In 50% of couples, after a man doing an operation to restore semyavyvodyaschego channel (vasovasostomy), partner can get pregnant. The effectiveness of the reverse operation depends on the time that has elapsed since the vasectomy. The faster a man decides to reverse the operation, the greater the chances of success.
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