Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thoughts during sex ...

What do you think, when making love? For those who have already grabbed the keyboard, ready to pour out an angry comment: "Nothing," "What do you know about love?", "Find me someone already!", We formulate the question differently: "What you think during sex? ". Is that better?

We conducted a case study format mini - interviewed dozens of people in an equal gender ratio. And what happened?

Women during sex think about that:

* "Time to whitewash the ceiling, and all repairs would not hurt to do in the end!";

* "Must be a child to buy a jacket, in the spring of last year will be small;

* "We recently went nowhere, but here Last minute ...";

* "Which would further work to be arranged, this will soon likely be fired";

* "Soon it there and then ... really want to write (supper cool, have a glance mail).

And they think that nothing wasting time on him - still not divorced from his wife, because she is terminally ill and in general - three young offspring. They are afraid of getting pregnant or, conversely, only think about that today - a very favorable time for conception. Simultaneously in their thought comes to mind about how to hint to him that she - not an oil field, and he - no drill installation, and a prelude to sex should be like in the opera, and the opposite: longer than the actual act of actions. And caring manufacturers long ago came up with grease. At worst, in the mouth of a partner there is totally free salivating ...

Sometimes women during sexual intercourse are not thinking about anything. Is that about the other partner. Well, not what to think - just to represent. It's so simple - close your eyes and imagine that doing it with a beautiful someone is always ready, always gentle, always caring, that will caress before and after, and bring a notorious coffee in the proverbial bed. But not with this, which is still raskochegarish ... And then he immediately snorted.
In the best case. In the worst - will talk about the problems and asked to throw a little money to pay.
Only a small percentage of women during sex not thinking. Because sex simply does not. Consequently, all the time, free from sex, is dedicated to thoughts about it. Unless, of course, my head is not stuffed with overdue payments on loans.

Recently, the British conducted a survey: it turns out 42% of Englishwomen, descending into the subway, thinking about sex.

And is the woman take a shower, download mountain of spam under the morning coffee and go to work, as she begins to think ... about sex. For example, looking at the Director General, and then chairman of the board, so look closely, and in my head scrolls indecent pictures. Even the cry: "Why did you have filled up the project?" - Did not immediately reach her worried mind.

The question "What were they thinking during sex, men answered:

* "About anything I do not think that nonsense?";

* "Like home for dinner not too late, ha-ha-ha!";

* "During sex think about sex";

* "Why I took off socks?";

* "What is it funny face, like a gopher in a swoon";

* "What the hell is sex?" I'm forty years old, I was fired from his job, and you ask all sorts of rubbish! "There's nothing?" By the way, look good.

I must admit that men are more joke, they say, think about sex all the time. And their faces were sad at the same time, sad. And after the third glass they even deny the sex, as a phenomenon, because they are tired, because nobody knows what will happen tomorrow, but here the wife requests a new jacket for his son and mistress - to divorce his wife and a new jacket for her son from her first marriage.

We do not know whether to trust this poll - the sample is small and the data, by and large, were not statistically significant, although modern analytical techniques make it possible to draw conclusions based on studies where a smaller group. In general, as they say in Odessa, "for he bought, for and sell."
What conclusions can be drawn from my survey? Men during sex is usually thought of him, at least so they say. Women are more likely to be distracted from the process, if not lie. However, outside the process erotic mood grows stronger in both sexes. Definitely. Especially among young men. Otherwise, wherever has divorced many books written pikaperami, many Internet communities, where pikapery share impressions of the "given - not given, and why? By the way, women may be thinking about the repair during sex, because one sex to them is not enough, they still love serving. And at the resort are eager to change the situation in more hot.

Perhaps readers wondering what the author thinks during sex. I will open a terrible secret. First, the author is not engaged in sex and love. Secondly, when he was the last time it worked, then somewhere half a minute before he opted out think tanks, and it has turned into an animal, you could think: "Do not be a heart-rending scream, and then in the chimney-guests are sleeping inconvenient.

Love each other mindlessly! At least during sex.

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