Choosing nurse. Council of Psychologists
The more time a mother would hold a child, the better. Must wait until the baby turns at least one and a half years, and only then think about work. Suffer at home for three years - even better.
Housekeeper better babysitter. It not only frees a woman from troubles at home, but also be able to walk with the child when he is asleep, to stay with the child if the mother must leave for a few hours. But when the child is awake, next to him to be my mother. If you need to go to work, choose a nanny in the age of 30-45 years. Ideally, if the nurse is married and she has children of primary school age. Here's why. Children are very susceptible. If personal life nurse disadvantaged, this necessarily affect kids. If you have your own child from the nurse has the necessary emotional and practical experience with children.
If a nurse does not have children or nanny - a woman of retirement age, which is keen to grandchildren, chances are that your child will carry unrealized maternal feelings. This nurse will be too tied to the child that goes beyond its role. First of all, this situation is dangerous for the mother. Seeing that the child is strongly attached to the nurse, she will be jealous. Family relations deteriorate, and this negative impact on small
Nurse in no case exceed their powers and replace a child my mother. Especially dangerous advertised supernyani - teachers or doctors. They can literally enslave the entire family. For example, the nurse teaches the child to what he eats or sleeps only in her presence. Then it is easy to manipulate her mother. So watch carefully to the role of the family with the advent of nurses remained the same. Let the child will be so-called rituals, which makes him only a mother - a special song at bedtime, for example.
Choosing a nanny, it should be noted that her attitude towards child-rearing should be close to you - for example, if you're comfortable with the departure from the regime of the day, your nanny should treat it the same way.
Suppose you have chosen a nanny. Let her hold a week with a child under your care before you leave the babysitter with a child alone for a day. Especially watch, of course, not worth it. But if you just be there for seven days can be understood, the nurse is right for you or not.
Varieties nya
1) Day-time nanny
Such a nurse arrives with a child from 7 to 12 working hours per day and had 1.2 days off per week. Its age from 20 to 55 years. Wages are regulated USD per hour or strictly stipulated salary.
Duties of
* Compliance with the daily routine
* Feeding (and possibly cooking, but only for children)
* Walking
* Relax child
* Child Care
* Accompanying the child to the doctor, on holidays and other places
* Cleaning a child's room
2) Night Nurse
This nurse is invited only for night time, as a rule, the work starts from 20.00 pm and ends at 9.00 am - 10.00 am. Its age is between 35 and 70 years. Salaries of hourly and high enough, hours per night is calculated completely. Weekends by appointment
Duties of
* Prepare the child to
* Hygienic evening and morning proce
* Child care at night Sotho
* Child care in the morning Sotho
3) Evening babysitter
This category is in demand by those who have kids enrolled in kindergarten or school. Employment of a nurse is not great, about 2 to 5.6 hours a day, the salary is regulated in the basic monthly salary. Age of evening babysitting from 19 to 70 years. Selection of a nurse rather problematic - employment is not large, sometimes working hours of flying, according to need, or "ragged" day schedule. For such vacancies are mostly either students or pensioners who live close. Wages in this category is not high, which in fact is a repulsive factor for most applicants.
Duties of
* Meeting the child from the kindergarten or school
* Feeding Child
* Accompanying the child to extra classes (circles, sections, etc.) <
* Child Care
* Organization dos
* Prepare the child to sleep
4) nurse with accommodation
This nurse is around the clock with your child and live in apartments provided by the family of the child. A nurse's working day is regulated entirely by parents, weekends 1-2 days a week. Payment for the month determined by the rate of USD / day. Age nanny with accommodation from 35 to 55 years. Most of these nurses - a woman visiting from neighboring countries or other cities of Russia.
Duties of
* Compliance with the daily routine
* Feeding (and possibly cooking, but only for children)
* Walking
* Relax child
* Child Care
* Accompanying the child to the doctor, on holidays and other places
* Child care at night Sotho
* Cleaning of children's apartments
5) Daily Nanny
Such a nurse working in a family with accommodation, but with a schedule 2 2 days or 3 3 days per week (2 days work - 2 days rest). Typically, these nannies are selected two at once, that they succeeded each other on the assumption that the child was under the supervision of all 7 days a week regardless of the output of his nannies. Age daily nannies from 25 to 55 years. A nurse's salary is determined by the monthly salary at the rate of u.e.sutki.
Duties of
* Compliance with the daily routine
* Feeding (and possibly cooking, but only for children)
* Walking
* Relax child
* Child Care
* Accompanying the child to the doctor, on holidays and other places
* Child care at night Sotho
* Cleaning of children's apartments
Any nurse, part-time to perform other functions and assignments, for example: cooking for the whole family, clean, wash and iron for the whole family, engage in tutoring, caring for lawns, swimming pools and even serve as a driver, etc. But we should not forget that above all you have invited nurses to the child, and not to your precious things and apartments or to your favorite grandparents.
Child requires increased attention and concern, he learns to perceive the world, right to speak and communicate, accumulating communication skills, think independently and make their own conclusions. And if your nanny is busy preparing the family dinner or dinner with a full set of dishes for the table or running around with vacuum cleaners, brooms, rags, buckets throughout the useful area of your home, what will remain of nanny for your child? And what conclusions for themselves will make your child?
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